
In the dynamic landscape of today's business environment, grappling with technological shifts, regulatory risks, and elevated customer expectations presents a multitude of challenges for the insurance sector. In response, outsourcing is emerging as a strategic tool for transformation.

By entrusting process handling to external partners, insurance companies gain the freedom to concentrate on innovation, product development, and cultivating customer relationships. Simultaneously, this approach enables a reduction in operating costs and a boost in overall efficiency.

Commonly outsourced processes

Customer service

Efficiently manage policies, claims, applications, and various customer inquiries with our dedicated customer service processes.

Policy processing

From receiving and verifying to concluding and servicing policies, we handle the end-to-end processes seamlessly.

Claims settlement

Navigate the intricacies of reporting, settlement, and liquidation of claims through our streamlined claims settlement processes.

We support business

Reliable and Effective

At CERI, we are dedicated to providing reliable and effective support for businesses. Our comprehensive suite of outsourcing services spans simple to complex and demanding business processes, all executed with a commitment to the highest standards and service quality.

Certified Excellence:

  • ISO 27001: Information Security Management
  • ISO 9001: Quality Management
  • ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management

Work with CERI

At CERI, our philosophy is centered around efficiency, flexibility, and responsibility. These core values translate into success for both our partners and our dedicated team.