Credit institutions

In today's financial landscape, the key to success lies in adaptability, operational efficiency, and customer-centricity. Outsourcing process handling has emerged as a pivotal strategy to meet these fundamentals.

Amidst intensifying competition and rapid market shifts, loan companies are actively seeking innovative solutions. Outsourcing operational processes is no longer just a common practice—it has become an indispensable tool for gaining a competitive advantage.

Commonly outsourced processes

Customer service

We handle customer requests, address inquiries, and resolve customer issues promptly.

Application processing

Our expertise lies in analyzing credit applications, verifying data, assessing credit risk, and efficiently managing processes such as digitizing and archiving applications and contracts.

Payment processing and collection

We excel in payment processing, monitoring repayment terms, and preparing contracts for collection, ensuring a streamlined and efficient collection process.

We support business

Reliable and Effective

At CERI, we are dedicated to providing reliable and effective support for businesses. Our comprehensive suite of outsourcing services spans simple to complex and demanding business processes, all executed with a commitment to the highest standards and service quality.

Certified Excellence:

  • ISO 27001: Information Security Management
  • ISO 9001: Quality Management
  • ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management

Work with CERI

At CERI, our philosophy is centered around efficiency, flexibility, and responsibility. These core values translate into success for both our partners and our dedicated team.